Build Systems MC CFP

In the Linux ecosystems, there are many ways to build all the software used to put together a running system. Whether it’s building all the binary packages for a binary Linux distribution, using a source-based distribution, or building an embedded system from scratch, there are a lot of shared challenges which each system solves in its own way.

This microconference is a way to get people who work on disparate build systems to discuss common problems and possible shared solutions across the entire problem space. The kinds of topics we want to discuss are the following:
  • Bootstrapping the build system
  • Cross building software
  • Make, autoconf, and other similar software build tools
  • Package build systems, bitbake, emerge/portage, pacman, etc
  • Packaging formats
  • Managing software with language-specific package managers
  • Patch sharing
  • Building within a container
  • Build systems for building containers
  • License gathering and verification
  • Security updates
  • Software chain-of-trust
  • Repeatable builds
  • Documentation and education
  • Finding the next generation of maintainers
  • Build-system visibility within the wider Plumbers attendeesThis is not a definitive list, and you are free to post abstracts for other related topics.
Build Systems micorconference would like to gather representatives (developers and maintainers) from all the various build systems and related technologies. This is not a definitive list of possible attendees.
  • Android
  • Arch Linux
  • Buildroot
  • ChromeOS
  • Gentoo
  • OpenEmbedded
  • OpenWRT/LEDE
  • Yocto Project
  • Other traditional Binary Packaged distributions
For more information, feel free to contact the MC Leads:
Philip Balister <>
Please follow the suggestions from this BLOG post when submitting a CFP for this track.
Submissions are made via LPC submission system, selecting Track “Build Systems MC”

Linux Plumbers Refereed Track – Upcoming Deadline – August 6, 2023

August is now upon us, and the deadline for refereed track submissions is August 6, which is right around the corner. We have already received some excellent submissions, for which we gratefully thank our submitters!

For those thinking about submitting, please polish off your ideas, and point your browsers at the call-for-proposals page. Looking forward to your submissions.

Reminder: we’ve got a tight deadline to prepare the submissions for the LPC program committee to review, so, as communicated last year, we will not be extending the deadline this year, please submit by August 6th, anywhere on earth.


LPC 2023 will host the second edition of the Rust MC. This microconference intends to cover talks and discussions on both Rust for Linux as well as other non-kernel Rust topics. Proposals can be submitted via LPC submission system, selecting the Rust MC track.

Rust is a systems programming language that is making great strides in becoming the next big one in the domain. Rust for Linux is the project adding support for the Rust language to the Linux kernel.

Rust has a key property that makes it very interesting as the second language in the kernel: it guarantees no undefined behavior takes place (as long as unsafe code is sound). This includes no use-after-free mistakes, no double frees, no data races, etc. It also provides other important benefits, such as improved error handling, stricter typing, sum types, pattern matching, privacy, closures, generics, etc.

Possible Rust for Linux topics:

  • Rust in the kernel (e.g. status update, next steps…).
  • Use cases for Rust around the kernel (e.g. subsystems, drivers,
    other modules…).
  • Discussions on how to abstract existing subsystems safely, on API design, on coding guidelines…
  • Integration with kernel systems and other infrastructure (e.g. build system, documentation, testing and CIs, maintenance, unstable features, architecture support, stable/LTS releases, Rust versioning, third-party crates…).Updates on its subprojects (e.g. klint, pinned-init)

Possible Rust topics:

  • Language and standard library (e.g. upcoming features, stabilization of the remaining features the kernel needs, memory model…).
  • Compilers and codegen (e.g. rustc improvements, LLVM and Rust, rustc_codegen_gcc, Rust GCC…).
  • Other tooling and new ideas (bindgen, Cargo, Miri, Clippy, Compiler Explorer, Coccinelle for Rust…).
  • Educational material.
  • Any other Rust topic within the Linux ecosystem.

Last year was the first edition of the Rust MC and the focus was on showing the ongoing efforts by different parties (compilers, Rust for Linux, CI, eBPF…). Shortly after the Rust MC, Rust got merged into the Linux kernel. Abstractions are getting upstreamed, with the first major drivers looking to be merged soon: Android Binder, the Asahi GPU driver and the NVMe driver (presented in that MC).

Android MC CFP

The Android Microconference brings the upstream community and Android systems developers together to discuss issues and changes to the Android platform and their dependencies and interactions with the Linux  kernel, allowing for collaboration on solutions for upstream.

Since last year’s conference, there has been quite a bit of progress, specifically around:

Currently planned discussion topics for this year include:

  • 16k Pages
  • RISC-V
  • android-mainline on Pixel6
  • Updates on Binder
  • BPF usage w/ Android
  • Kernel and platform integration testing
  • Vendor Hook Usage
  • Building Modules for Android GKI Kernels
  • Resolving Priority Inversion w/ Proxy Execution
  • AOSP Devboards
  • And likely more…

People are encouraged to submit topics related to new  Android functionality as well as issues in getting that functionality upstream.

Please consider that the goal is to discuss open problems, preferably with patch set submissions already in discussion on LKML. The slots are very short (10-15 mins), and the main portion of the time should be given to the debate – thus, the importance of having an open and relevant problem, with people in the community engaged in the solution.

The CFP for the Android Micro-conference closes on Aug 15th, so get your topics in early!

Additionally, we already have a busy tentative schedule, but please submit your topics, and should it not fit, we hope to have additional discussion space in a follow-on BoF.

All microconferences are now accepting topics!

Here are the list of microconferences at the 2023 Linux Plumbers Conference:

Some of the above already have a blog describing them in detail, and blogs for the rest will be coming shortly. If you plan on submitting a topic to one of these microconferences, please read the blog on what an ideal microconference topic submission is. After that, submit your topic and make sure that you select the appropriate track that you are submitting for (they are all listed under LPC Microconference and end with MC).

Compute Express Link (CXL) MC CFP

We are pleased to announce that we will have a CXL MC this year at Plumbers, and hereby invite the community in our call for participation.

Compute Express Link is a cache coherent fabric that in recent years has been gaining momentum in the industry. CXL 3.0 launched just before Plumbers 2022 (where very early discussions took place),  bringing new challenges such as dynamic capacity devices and large scale fabrics, two features that bring significant challenges to Linux. There also has been controversy and confusion in the Linux kernel   community about the state and future of CXL, regarding its usage and integration into, for example, the core memory management subsystem. Many concerns have been put to rest through proper clarification and setting of expectations.

The Compute Express Link microconference focuses on how to evolve the Linux CXL kernel driver and userspace components for support of the CXL 2.0 spec (and beyond). The microconference provides a  pace to open the discussion, incorporate more perspectives, and grow the CXL community with a goal that the CXL Linux plumbing serves the needs of the CXL ecosystem while balancing the needs of the  Linux project. Specifically, this microconference welcomes submissions detailing industry and academia use cases in order to develop usage model scenarios. Finally, it will be a good opportunity to have  existing upstream CXL developers available in a forum to discuss current CXL support and to communicate areas that need additional involvement.

Suggested topics:

  • Ecosystem & Architectural review
  • Dynamic Capacity Devices
  • Fabric Management
  • QEMU support
  • Security (ie: IDE/SPDM)
  • Managing vendor specificity
  • Type 2 accelerator support (bias flip management)
  • Coherence management of type2/3 memory (back-invalidation)
  • Peer2Peer (ie: Unordered IO)
  • Reliability, availability and serviceability (ie: Advanced Error Reporting, Isolation, Maintenance).
  • Hotplug (QoS throttling, policies, daxctl)
  • Hot remove
  • Documentation
  • Memory tiering topics that can relate to cxl (out of scope of MM/performance MCs)
  • Industry and academia use cases

Proposals can be submitted here, by September 1st:

For more information, feel free to contact the Compute Express Link MC Leads:
Davidlohr Bueso <>
Jonathan Cameron <>
Adam Manzanares <>
Dan Williams <>

Linux Kernel Debugging MC CFP

We are pleased to announce the first ever Linux Kernel Debugging Microconference, and we are now accepting proposals and problem statements.

Kernel debugging can be done in many ways with many purpose-built tools, from printk to Crash, Drgn, KDB/KGDB, and more. These tools are built on layers of standards, formats, implicit standards, and undocumented assumptions that make everything tick. When things work well, the tools stay out of your way and help you resolve your bug. But when things don’t work so well, you’re left debugging your debugger.

The Linux Kernel Debugging Microconference aims to bring together the developers and users of these tools to discuss the shared problems we face. We hope to discuss ongoing work that will improve the state of kernel debuggers, as well as new ideas that will require coordinated development across projects. Some possible topics might include:

  • Alternative sources of debuginfo beyond DWARF (kallsyms, BTF, etc)
  • Problems related to core debugging tools & utilities (`/proc/vmcore`,  `/proc/kcore`, kexec, kdump, makedumpfile, libkdumpfile, and many more).
  • Strategies to handle the interpretation of core kernel subsystems across versions (e.g. slab & vfs).
  • Core dump formats and ways they can break & be repaired

Topics outside this narrow list are welcomed: we welcome any topic that would improve the debugging experience, or merits the attention of the developers of these tools & kernel subsystems. The best submissions will describe active work or open problems, and they will welcome debate, discussion, and community consensus.

Submissions can be made via the LPC Call for Proposals, by selecting Linux Kernel Debugging MC for your track.

The Ideal Microconference Topic Session

The Linux Plumbers’ microconference is a three and a half hour session focused on one general focus area. It can be on Android, power management, tracing, real-time or any of the other many subsystems in the Linux ecosystem. These sessions are broken up into smaller topics that are highly focused work meetings with the goal of accomplishing something during the brief discussions that happen during that time. A topic session ranges from 15 to 30 minutes in length, where no more than half the time is a presentation to bring everyone in the room (or online) up to speed about the issues that need to be discussed, and the rest of the time is spent on brainstorming ideas with the audience on how to accomplish solving the problems at hand. The problem does not need to be solved in this short time, but when time is up, the audience should understand what is at stake well enough to be productive offline in mailing lists and chat rooms.

Submitting a microconference topic

A microconference topic submission should be considered a problem statement and not an abstract. The submission should explain what the issue is that the submitter is struggling with, what has currently been done to try to solve it, and sometimes that means showing multiple solutions where there are pros and cons to each solution and the submitter wants to discuss which is better with the audience. There is the possible chance that the audience may even come up with a new solution that is better than what is being presented. The topic should be focused on what is currently being worked on and not about what was already done, unless the submitter wants to talk about what new can be done with what was already done.

Presenting the topic

The topic should start off with a presentation. The goal of the session is to come up with answers to the problem at hand. If the audience does not know the details of the issue, they are highly unlikely to come up with any productive input. The more the audience understands the problem, the likelier they will be able to help out. Due to the short time of the microconference topic session, it is imperative that the presentation is extremely focused on a need to know basis. That is, only present what is critical knowledge to understand the problem at hand. The quicker the audience can come up to speed, the more time there will be to have a productive discussion with them. There is no limit to the number of slides, but the focus should be on the time spent on the presentation.

Another difference between a microconference topic session and a normal presentation, is that there is no Q and A, but only discussions. A Q and A in presentations is where the audience asks the presenter questions and the presenter answers them. In a microconference topic session, the presenter starts with asking the audience questions and then there should be a back and forth between the audience and the presenter as well as between different members of the audience.

General information topics

One exception to the above is if the general focus area requires an understanding of a specific topic that all the other topics depend on. Some examples of this include RISC-V coming out with a new specification. The first topic in the microconference may be a 30 minute presentation about what details the new specification has that will impact further development. This is required information for the rest of the microconference to know in order to have proper decision making. The Android microconference had a similar case where the presentations were required for the other topics to be discussed. The general rule of thumb is that if a presentation is needed to have productive discussions then it is allowed. Due to the short time of a microconference, it is encouraged to have few of these types of presentations and better yet to have people do their homework before attending the microconference.

Attendee preparation

The focus of a microconference is to solve problems that exist today and come up with further innovations of tomorrow. The time constraint requires that everyone involved should be well prepared for the discussions that are to take place. The topics descriptions should include links to patch discussions on mailing lists, to wiki pages that describe the general focus area, or to anything that is not common knowledge to those not directly involved in the work. Linux Plumbers is about getting other experts outside the field to give input with a different perspective. Attendees should make an effort to read through the topics of all the microconferences and if there’s a topic of interest, they should read the links and familiarize themselves with the discussions that will take place. This will allow the attendees to be more productive than if they just come in without the understanding of the general focus area.

By following these general guidelines, Linux Plumbers will remain the most productive technical conference that one can attend.

RISC-V Microconference CFP

We’re holding another edition of the RISC-V microconference for Plumbers  at 2023. Broadly speaking anything related to both Linux and RISC-V is  on topic, but discussions tend to involve the following categories:

  • How to support new RISC-V ISA features in Linux, both for the  standards and for vendor-specific extensions.
  • Discussions related to RISC-V based SOCs, which frequently include interactions with other Linux subsystems as well as core arch/riscv code.
  • Coordination with distributions and toolchains on userspace-visible behavior.

Accomplishments post 2022 Microconference

All the talks at the 2022 Plumbers microconference have made at least some progress, with many of them resulting in big chunks of merged code.

  • The riscv_hwprobe() syscall has been merged.
  • Support for ACPI has been merged.
  • Kconfig.socs is in the process of being refactored.
  • Preliminary patches for the RISC-V TEE have been posted.
  • Some optimized routines have been merged, but there’s still a long way to go.
  • Text patching is still up in the air, but we’ve been working through many of the issues pointed out during the discussions.

Likely Topics for Discussion Sections

The actual list of topics tends to be hard to pin down this early, but here’s a few topics that have been floating around the mailing lists and may be easier to resolve in real-time:

  • Do we even bother with generic optimized lib routines, or just go vendor-specific?
  • When can we start deprecating stuff? Likely-unused bits include: rv32, nommu, xip, old toolchains.
  • Is it time to give up on profiles and just set a base ourselves?
  • CI: Hosting PW-NIPA (currently hosted by Conor/Microchip), hosting “upstream kernel ci” on Github w/ sponsored runners?
  • Hardware assisted control-flow integrity on RISC-V CPUs.
  • Handling text patching on RISC-V systems.
  • How do we deal with vendor-specific memory management?

Submissions are made via LPC submission systems, selecting Track RISC-V MC

Real-time and Scheduling Microconference CFP

The real-time and scheduling micro-conference joins these two intrinsically connected communities to discuss the next steps together.

Over the past decade, many parts of PREEMPT_RT have been included in the official Linux codebase. Examples include real-time mutexes, high-resolution timers, lockdep, ftrace, RCU_PREEMPT, threaded interrupt handlers, and more. The number of patches that need integration has been significantly reduced, and the rest is mature enough to make their way into mainline Linux.

The scheduler is at the core of Linux performance. With different topologies and workloads, giving the user the best experience possible is challenging, from low latency to high throughput and from small power-constrained devices to HPC, where CPU isolation is critical.

The following accomplishments have been made as a result of last year’s micro-conference:

Ideas of topics to be discussed include (but are not limited to):

  • Improve responsiveness for CFS tasks – e.g., latency-nice patch
  • The new EEVDF scheduler proposal
  • Impact of new topology on CFS including hybrid or heterogeneous system
  • Taking into account task profile with IPCC or uclamp
  • Improvements in CPU Isolation
  • The status of PREEMPT_RT
  • Locking improvements – e.g., proxy execution
  • Improvements on SCHED_DEADLINE
  • Tooling for debugging scheduling and real-time

It is fine if you have a new topic that is not on the list. People are encouraged to submit any topic related to real-time and scheduling.

Please consider that the goal is to discuss open problems, preferably with patch set submissions already in discussion on LKML. The presentations are very short, and the main portion of the time should be given to the debate – thus, the importance of having an open and relevant problem, with people in the community engaged in the solution.

Submissions are made via LPC submission systems, selecting Track Real-time and Scheduling MC

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