Sep 16 – 18, 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Software and hardware images decoding on the RaspberryPi

Sep 18, 2020, 4:15 PM
Talk (half slot) (Closed) Main Track


When it comes to the hardware acceleration on the RaspberryPi (or any other
board, really), we often talk about the video encoding/decoding. With the
modern ARM CPUs (with NEON support) and libraries (like libjpeg-turbo), usage
of the dedicated hardware components for images encoding/decoding becomes less
important. However, there is still low-end hardware on the market (like the
RaspberryPi Zero) which can greatly benefit from usage of the hardware images

In this talk we will compare the performance of the software/hardware images
decoding on the RaspberryPi devices. We will focus on the RaspberryPi Zero,
as in this case the performance gain from using the hardware acceleration is
the most significant. We base our expierence on the digital-signage usecases,
where both low device price and performance matters.

Although the OpenMAX is said to be practically deprecated, there might be no
alternative to achieve the same level of performance on the RaspberryPi Zero.
We will briefly present how the OpenMAX IL API is used to decode and dsiplay
JPEG images. Apart from decoding 1080p images, we will also show how it
performs when decoding the 4K images or how it can be used to zoom part of the

Code of Conduct Yes

Primary author

Mr Maciej Pijanowski (3mdeb Embedded Systems Consulting)

Presentation materials

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