Sep 16 – 18, 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone


September 16-18 | Virtual

The X.Org Developers Conference (XDC) is the event for developers working on all things Open graphics (Linux kernel, Mesa, DRM, Wayland, X11, etc.).

The schedule timezone of the conference is UTC+2, unless you set "Use my timezone" setting in your user preferences along with your current timezone.

Livestream URLs

Due to the current pandemic, the XDC 2020 will be a virtual conference (see the COVID-19 page for more information). The talks will be streamed live on Youtube:

Questions should be asked on Freenode's IRC channel ##xdc2020-QA, while general discussions about the conference should be held on ##xdc2020. Check out our Attendee's how to for more information!

Follow us on Twitter!

Follow us @XDC2020 for the latest updates and to stay connected. Use the hashtag #XDC2020 to make it easier for all to see and interact with your posts.


To contact the organization team, send an email to:

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