Sep 16 – 18, 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Main Track Demos / Lightning talks I Workshop Lightning talks II

Sep 16, 2020

13:00 Opening session
13:20 Overview of the open source Vulkan driver for Raspberry Pi 4
14:15 WSL Graphics Architecture
15:10 X11 and Wayland applications in WSL
16:05 Mesa for D3D12 Mapping Layers
16:35 Profiling on AMD GPUs using tracing
17:05 Secure Buffer Object Support with Trusted Memory Zone
17:35 GSoC/EVoC Overview
18:05 VKMS improvements using IGT GPU Tools
18:35 Allocation Constraints
19:30 Why is Peer to Peer DMA so hard on Linux?
20:00 IGT GPU Tools 2020 Update
20:05 Gamescope update and demos
20:15 State of text input on Wayland
20:20 Vulkan Presentation Timing Extension
20:25 From witchcraft to production

Sep 17, 2020

13:00 Opening session
13:20 A year of ACO: from prototype to default
14:15 etnaviv: status update
14:45 etnaviv: The wonderful world of performance counters
15:40 LiteDIP: bridging the gap between open source hardware, and open source operating systems
16:10 The Libre-SOC Project
17:05 About OpenGL and Vulkan interoperability.
17:35 Buffer constraints
19:00 Don't bake your Graphics cards!
19:30 X.Org Foundation Board of Directors Meeting

Sep 18, 2020

13:00 Opening session
13:20 Improving Khronos CTS tests with Mesa code coverage
13:50 How the Vulkan VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state extension came to be
14:20 Status of gitlab/cloud hosting
15:15 Graphics tracing with Perfetto
15:45 DRM-backend tests in Weston’s GitLab CI
16:15 Software and hardware images decoding on the RaspberryPi
16:45 Introducing adriconf, a tool for mesa driver configuration
17:15 State of the
17:45 Buffer constraints workshop summary
17:50 Next steps for wlroots
17:55 Universal display management with Disman
18:00 Update on AMD DRM modifiers
18:05 Closing session