Sep 16 – 18, 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone

VKMS improvements using IGT GPU Tools

Sep 16, 2020, 6:05 PM
Talk (half slot) (Closed) Main Track


The Virtual Kernel Mode Setting (VKMS) driver allows you to test DRM and run X on systems without a physical display, making it a great candidate for running inside a virtual machine for CI purposes. Its development intends to expand the test coverage of DRM, giving graphic developers greater autonomy to verify the subsystem's expected operation and develop new features. However, to enjoy these benefits, we need to ensure that VKMS performs well on all sets of basic tests provided by IGT. Aiming to bring more consistency to this module, my work in this year's GSoC was to deliver a fully working and bug-free subset of GPU tests. To achieve this, I had to understand, improve, and decide where to act between the two sides: DRM/VKMS and IGT GPU Tools. In this presentation, I will share our progress on VKMS and subsequently on IGT during this summer. As a newcomer, I also want to share my experience of figuring out, developing, and reaching suitable solutions with the community.

Code of Conduct Yes
GSoC, EVoC or Outreachy Yes

Primary author

Melissa Wen (University of São Paulo)

Presentation materials

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