Sep 16 – 18, 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Mesa for D3D12 Mapping Layers

Sep 16, 2020, 4:05 PM
Talk (half slot) (Closed) Main Track


Mesa already is host to at least one API mapping layer: Zink. Building on the success of that layer, Microsoft has partnered with Collabora to build another mapping layer as a Gallium driver in Mesa: OpenGLOn12. At the same time, Microsoft has built a small OpenCLOn12 runtime, and is re-using and improving Clover’s compiler stack, combined with the NIR to DXIL translator built for OpenGL, to provide a story for OpenCL support as well. This talk will discuss architecture, status, and future plans.

Code of Conduct Yes
GSoC, EVoC or Outreachy No

Primary author

Jesse Natalie (Microsoft)

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