Aug 24 – 28, 2020
US/Pacific timezone


GNU Tools Track

Aug 24, 2020, 7:00 AM


The GNU Tools track will gather all GNU tools developers, to discuss current/future work, coordinate efforts, exchange reports on ongoing efforts, discuss development plans for the next 12 months, developer tutorials and any other related discussions.
The track will also include a Toolchain Microconference on Friday to discuss topics that are more specific to the interaction between the Linux kernel and the toolchain.

Presentation materials

Arjun Shankar (Red Hat)
8/25/20, 8:30 AM

A while back, I found myself triaging an iconv bug report that found hangs
in the program when run with certain inputs. Not knowing a lot about iconv
internals, I wrote a rudimentary fuzzer to investigate the problem, which
caught over 160 different input combinations that led to hangs and a clear
pattern hinting at the cause.


Building timetable...

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