Aug 24 – 28, 2020
US/Pacific timezone

BoF: The GNU C Library

Aug 25, 2020, 7:30 AM
GNU Tools track/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)

GNU Tools track/Virtual-Room

LPC Virtual

GNU Tools Track GNU Tools Track


Carlos O'Donell (Red Hat)


The GNU C Library is used as the C library in the GNU systems
and most systems with the Linux kernel. The library is
primarily designed to be a portable and high performance C
library. It follows all relevant standards including ISO C11
and POSIX.1-2008. It is also internationalized and has one of
the most complete internationalization interfaces known.

This BoF aims to bring together developers of other components
that have dependencies on glibc and glibc developers to talk
about the following topics:
* What is the state of 64-bit time_t? glibc? kernel?
* What is the state of the RV32 port?
* Planning for glibc 2.33 and what work needs to be done
between August 2020 and January 2021.
* Planning for glibc 2.34 and what work needs to be done
between January 2021 and July 2021.
... and more.

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