Aug 24 – 28, 2020
US/Pacific timezone


Aug 24, 2020, 7:00 AM
GNU Tools track/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)

GNU Tools track/Virtual-Room

LPC Virtual

GNU Tools Track GNU Tools Track


Simon Marchi (EfficiOS)


GDB BoF, for GDB developers to meet and discuss any topic about the GDB development process.

Some proposed discussion topics are:

  • The moving of gdbsupport and gdbserver, is anything left? Is there anything more to moved from the gdb to gdbsupport?
  • Replacing of macros with a more C++-like API (like what has been started from the type system). Other C++-ification.
  • Feedback on the new version numbering scheme.
  • Large changes that people would like to pre-announce.
  • Unsure how to approach the task of contributing an upstream port? This would be a good time to ask.

But really this is about what you want to discuss, so don't hesitate to propose more topics. Please notify the moderator (Simon Marchi) in advance if possible, just so we can get a good overview of what people want to talk about.

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Primary author

Simon Marchi (EfficiOS)

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