Aug 24 – 28, 2020
US/Pacific timezone

BoF: OpenMP, OpenACC & Offloading

Aug 27, 2020, 7:00 AM
GNU Tools track/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)

GNU Tools track/Virtual-Room

LPC Virtual

GNU Tools Track GNU Tools Track


Tobias Burnus (Mentor, A Siemens Business) Jakub Jelinek (Red Hat)


BoF to discuss topics related to concurrency and offloading work onto accelerators. On the OpenMP side, in particular the implementation of the missing OpenMP 5.0 (soon: 5.1) features.

Especially for offloading with OpenACC/OpenMP, optimizing the performance and in particular restricting the amount and frequency of data transfers is crucial and involves topics like value propagations, cloning, loop parallelizations, and memory management - including pinning, asynchronous operations and unified memory. And with offloading code and GPU offloading becoming ubiquitous, deployment and keeping pace with supporting consumer and high-end hardware updates is a challenge.

Related topics and trends can also be discussed, be it base language concurrency features, offloading without using OpenMP/OpenACC, other accelerators.

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Primary authors

Tobias Burnus (Mentor, A Siemens Business) Jakub Jelinek (Red Hat)

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