18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Updates on RISC-V Confidential VM Extension (CoVE) and CoVE-IO

20 Sept 2024, 13:00
"Room 1.15 - 1.16" (Austria Center)

"Room 1.15 - 1.16"

Austria Center

Confidential Computing MC Confidential Computing MC




This session will discuss the ongoing development of the RISC-V architecture for Confidential VM Extension (CoVE) and related CoVE-IO (for TEE-IO). The discussion will cover both the WIP ISA (CPU) and non-ISA (ABI, IOMMU and other platform aspects) extensions. The WIP ISA extensions will cover the proposed Smmtt (memory isolation) and related extensions for interrupts isolation, IO-MTT and external debug. The proposed CoVE ABI nears STABLE status and is entering the public review phase. The common aspects (that are cross-architectural) for Linux/KVM will be discussed to enable interoperability across different platforms for Confidential VMs. The discussion is to cover common flows that influence the public review of the specs by Q3'24.

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