13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

CXL Type-2 core support

13 Nov 2023, 15:00
"Potomac G" (Omni Richmond Hotel)

"Potomac G"

Omni Richmond Hotel

Compute Express Link MC Compute Express Link MC


Ira Weiny


"Type-2" device support is made up of a series of new CXL features. Each of
these features warrants some discussion on it's own.

Features such as P2P, Back-Invalidate, Cache-ID configuration are all
modifications to the core required by accelerator devices.

Dan Williams has already opened up the internal memory configuration to outside
device drivers with his type-2 patch series. However, there are sure to be
additional details which need to be ironed out when real devices start to be

I propose a session covering what support is currently upstream, what support
is planned by my own work on type-2 devices (including qemu work), as well as
what future work will be required. Audience participation will be encouraged,
especially when discussing future work.

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