18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Rust for Linux

19 Sept 2024, 12:00
"Room 1.85 - 1.86" (Austria Center)

"Room 1.85 - 1.86"

Austria Center

Kernel Summit Track Kernel Summit


Miguel Ojeda Wedson Almeida Filho


Rust for Linux is the project adding support for the Rust language to the Linux kernel. This talk will give a high-level overview of the status and the latest news around Rust in the kernel since LPC 2023.

We will start with a summary of the new safe abstractions, modules and architectures that are in mainline or getting upstreamed soon. We will cover the different strategies subsystems are adopting to ramp up the Rust support and the policies for dealing with mixing C and Rust code.

Next, we will cover improvements in the infrastructure, including the new build system: why we need it, how it differs from the C side, what features it introduces, the kernel crate split, etc. In addition, we will talk about third-party crates, https://rust.docs.kernel.org and kernel CIs.

Furthermore, we will give an update on the unstable features: we now support several Rust compiler versions, which allows several Linux distributions to work out of the box. We are now collaborating with the Rust project to get the kernel into stable Rust. In particular, Linux has been included in their 2024h2 project goals and it is being built-tested in their pre-merge CI.

Finally, we will conclude with what is going on in other related projects, such as the ones that provide a path to build the kernel with GCC (rustc_codegen_gcc and GCC Rust).

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