18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

regressions: our workflows are the biggest enemy

19 Sept 2024, 10:45
"Room 1.85 - 1.86" (Austria Center)

"Room 1.85 - 1.86"

Austria Center

Kernel Summit Track Kernel Summit


Thorsten Leemhuis


Outline the major pain points why Linux kernel regressions happen and why resolving some takes a long time as observed by Thorsten during three years of working as the kernel's regression tracker.

The talk among others will describe why some workflow patterns are what frequently leads to regressions -- and why they are also a factor why some subsystems fix regression quickly, while others take weeks or months to resolve.

While at it, describe what testers, bug reporters, developers, and maintainers can do to prevent regressions and resolve them more quickly. Furthermore also cover regzbot, the Regression Tracking Bot Thorsten uses for his work: what it learned in the recent past, what's on its roadmap, and where it works poorly or well in practise.

While doing all of the above, keep the audience involved and foster discussion about the discussed points and anything related.

Assuming Thorsten is invited to the Linux maintainers summit happening right before the LPC, he'll start this session by quickly recapping what has been discussed and decided regarding bug/regression reporting, tracking and handling there.

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