18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Enabling tooling independent exchange of Requirements and other SW Engineering related information with the upcoming SPDX Safety Profile

20 Sept 2024, 17:00
"Hall N2" (Austria Center)

"Hall N2"

Austria Center

Safe Systems with Linux MC Safe Systems with Linux MC


Nicole Pappler


The increasing demand to create, maintain and exchange information at least about the hight level requirements as well as the applied software engineering methods does not stop for open source projects.
In the open source ecosystem we have a fantastic advantage - we can both exchange the relevant data freely and we are free from legacy lock in usage of ancient lifecycle and requirements management tooling. These tools, in combination with the fear to expose too much IP, lead to useless efforts - we are talking manual copy/pastes of thousands of requirements! Plus Excel lists to track these efforts.
There are now several fantastic solutions out there to use open source tools for lifecycle management, from git based systems to fully open source requirements management solutions.
Yes, this growing zoo of tools can lead us to the same issues that these commercial dinosaurs are facing.
This talk will leverage how using the SPDX Safety Profile as an open and standard exchange format is avoiding all this pain and pitfalls that we have seen for commercial product development.

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