18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

CXL benchmarking

19 Sept 2024, 13:05
"Room 1.31-1.32" (Austria Center)

"Room 1.31-1.32"

Austria Center

Compute Express Link MC Compute Express Link MC


Adam Manzanares Viacheslav Dubeyko


Benchmarking and efficiency estimation of CXL infrastructure is a crucial task for the whole CXL ecosystem. Which tool(s) can be used and how can we execute such benchmarking? Potentially, a benchmarking tool could simulate the target use-case (for example, huge relational database, in-memory database, huge social network, ML model training, Virtual Machine use-case, HPC use-case, and so on). But, technically speaking, we need a tool that is capable of generating workloads with the opportunity of tuning various parameters (allocation/deallocation size, total allocation size, allocation/deallocation pattern, read/write pattern, memory type selection policy, migration policy, threads number and so on). I would like to suggest the discussion which tuning parameters are really crucial and how we can implement and deliver the CXL benchmarking infrastructure.

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