18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Unsolved CRIU problems

19 Sept 2024, 15:00
"Room 1.15 - 1.16" (Austria Center)

"Room 1.15 - 1.16"

Austria Center

Containers and checkpoint/restore MC Containers and checkpoint/restore MC


Pavel Tikhomirov (Virtuozzo)


Unsolved CRIU problems.

1) Restoring complex process trees.

Processes can not enter into pre-existing process-session (sid), sessions can
only be inherited. (Same for process-groups (pgid) in nested pid namespaces.)

Probable solution 1 - CABA:
The idea was to save as much of the original historical tree topology as
possible in an auxiliary in-kernel tree, but it didn't go well. I also have
the same thing in eBPF but obviously it is unreliable.
See my previous talk on this matter with a deeper dive.

Probable solution 2 - Allow setsid to pre-existing session + Allow setsid/setpgid to "sid 0":
Is it safe? - We can prohibit entering into a session with controlling ttys, so
that there is no way someone can use this change to steal your passwords.

2) The clone3 syscall's set_tid feature is unusable in nested pid and user namespaces (nested containers).

Because, for pid namespace init creation, we need at the same time:
a) be checkpoint_restore_ns_capable at all levels of pid namespace’s owner
user namespaces;
b) be inside user namespace which is an owner of the pid
namespace to be created;

Probable solution 1 - Hack clone3 syscall to receive second user namespace (b) somewhere in arguments.

Probable solution 2 - Make it possible to create a pid namespace separately from creating its init, create init through setns:
Here we need to carefully handle races of two processes created at the same
time in a not yet fully setup pid namespace.

3) CPU mismatch.

If we have different cpu features returned by cpuid (or different xsave
features/sizes) between nodes, we can not migrate a process between those
nodes as glibc of the process may have detected cpu features on the first
node and will try to use these features after migration even if the feature
is not available on the destination.

Probable solution - Do it like in OpenVZ:
Using cpuid faulting cpu feature to return restricted cpuid mask for containers
(need to patch kernel).

Primary author

Pavel Tikhomirov (Virtuozzo)


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