18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

How is kernel getting along with many cgroups

19 Sept 2024, 17:35
"Room 1.15 - 1.16" (Austria Center)

"Room 1.15 - 1.16"

Austria Center

Containers and checkpoint/restore MC Containers and checkpoint/restore MC


Michal Koutný (SUSE)


Some users of systems with many cgroups may notice that things don't work as swiftly as with fewer cgroups. One part it is caused by simply greater amount of data that must be processed at higher hierarchy levels, another part is that more cgroups mean more frequent operations that affect the running system.

In this talk, I sum up changes from roughly past two years done to better cope with large cgroup trees and trade-offs they brought about. Consequently, I describe places that still can have negative effects with growing number of cgroups. In the conference, I'd like to discuss issues like this and preferences when the tradeoffs are to be resolved.

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