18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

KTAP General Tooling "KTAP Swiss-Army Knife"

20 Sept 2024, 11:00
"Hall N2" (Austria Center)

"Hall N2"

Austria Center

Kernel Testing & Dependability MC Kernel Testing & Dependability MC


Rae Moar


Currently, kunit.py provides its own KTAP parser (in kunit_parser.py), specifically for KUnit use. While it can be used to parse KTAP from other sources, this is rarely done. This may be due to KUnit-specific features or difficulty accessing the parser. Unfortunately, this can lead to developers coding and maintaining other KTAP parsers that heavily overlap with this existing tooling.

We propose splitting kunit_parser.py into its own KTAP parsing and manipulation library and tool, independent of KUnit. This standalone interface can then be called by kunit.py and other testing frameworks to easily parse KTAP and produce "pretty-print" output. In the future, support for filtering, summarizing, combining/splitting KTAP, and converting to other formats can be added to this library, making it a "KTAP swiss-army-knife".

This new library would allow test frameworks to share resources, while also reinforcing the KTAP specification. Which frameworks would be interested in implementing this new library? What functions in addition to parsing should be offered? Are there changes to the KTAP specification that could improve the transition to using this general tooling?

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