18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Interacting with kernel test results

20 Sept 2024, 13:00
"Hall N2" (Austria Center)

"Hall N2"

Austria Center

Kernel Testing & Dependability MC Kernel Testing & Dependability MC


Helen Koike (Collabora) Ricardo Cañuelo


CI systems can generate a big amount of test results, so processing and interacting with that data in a timely, efficient manner is paramount. At KernelCI, we are investing a lot into improving the quality of the test results through automatic post-processing, grouping and filtering to find common patterns and surface the most important test failures to the kernel community.

In this session, we will quickly show some of the recent progress and open the mic for discussion and feedback. We are eager to learn about ways you want to interact with test results at KernelCI.
Among other things, we are progressing on a brand new web dashboard, automatically parsing logs and matching errors, automatically notifying of failures with string matching, identifying flakes, automatically grouping failures happening across different devices, trees, and configs, working with regzbot to facilitate tracking of relevant regressions, etc.

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