18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Dealing with GPU resets

18 Sept 2024, 17:00
"Hall L1" (Austria Center)

"Hall L1"

Austria Center

Graphics & DRM MC Graphics & DRM MC


André Almeida (Igalia)


GPU resets are a common problem for every vendor, due to the nature of the stack. A bad shader can put the render node in an infinite loop, and we need to reset the GPU, partially or completely. However, each driver (both at userspace and kernelspace) have different ideas of what to do when a reset happens.

The goal of this session is to try to find a better common ground of how to manage such resets and how to test this part of the driver.

An initial work on that topic can be find documented here: https://docs.kernel.org/gpu/drm-uapi.html#device-reset

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