18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Unifying GitLab CI approaches for the Linux Kernel

18 Sept 2024, 15:05
"Hall L1" (Austria Center)

"Hall L1"

Austria Center

Graphics & DRM MC Graphics & DRM MC


Helen Koike (Collabora) Sebastian Fricke


Everybody seemingly needs CI and a lot of subsystems already have their spin of
CI running, but everyone is cooking their soup, while when we look at it
the majority of what the CI systems do is very, very similar.

This proposal aims to highlight the different attempts currently floating
around (DRM CI, MediaCI, KCI-Gitlab, CKI, Intel XE, etc.), depicting the
large overlaps but also the differences to start a discussion
about unifying our work in this area.

We are trying to highlight why a joined approach is beneficial to everyone and
helps a new subsystem to get up to speed quickly and which steps are necessary
for the DRM subsystem and why there is no reason to be afraid.

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