18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Making MIPI DSI power states fit Linux kernel

18 Sept 2024, 15:30
"Hall L1" (Austria Center)

"Hall L1"

Austria Center

Graphics & DRM MC Graphics & DRM MC


Dmitry Baryshkov (Linaro Ltd.)


While MIPI DSI bus and MIPI devices has been supported in Linux kernel for quite a while, during the last few years several important corner cases were identified, which make it hard to fit the MIPI DSI devices into the standard DRM pre-enable / enable / disable / post-disable model. Some of the shortcomings were solved via the pre_enable_prev_first call, other shortcomings remain unsolvd. This session describes a proposed solutions for the MIPI DSI drivers model.

Primary author

Dmitry Baryshkov (Linaro Ltd.)

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