18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

More Bang for Your Bug!

19 Sept 2024, 15:45
"Hall L2/L3" (Austria Center)

"Hall L2/L3"

Austria Center

LPC Refereed Track LPC Refereed Track


Eduardo Vela Nava (elgooG) Space Meyer (1e100)


Some kernel mitigations are very expensive, some others fail to adequately address classes of vulnerabilities. At the same time it is hard for users to make informed cost/benefit decisions about whether to enable a particular mitigation or not.

This presentation critically assesses a handful of past and upcoming security mitigations, proposing a data-driven evaluation of their impact on security, performance, and attack surface. We discuss lessons learned from Google's Kernel CTF and the importance of threat modeling for choosing the right kind of mitigation.

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