18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Bringup devices with 16kb support

20 Sept 2024, 12:20
"Hall L1" (Austria Center)

"Hall L1"

Austria Center

Android MC Android MC


Juan YescasMr Kalesh Singh


Android's transition to 16kb page sizes necessitates a comprehensive overhaul of device components to ensure seamless compatibility and optimal performance. This presentation will delve into the critical modifications required across the entire software stack:

  • Bootloader: We'll explore the necessary adjustments to the bootloader to accommodate the 16kb page size, ensuring a smooth transition during device startup.
  • Kernel and Driver changes: This section will highlight the modifications made to the kernel and device drivers to support 16kb pages effectively. We'll discuss the challenges faced and the solutions implemented to maintain stability and performance.
  • Userspace changes: We'll examine the changes made to userspace components, including libraries and applications, to ensure compatibility with the new page size.

Target audience: For Android partners aiming to launch devices with 16kb page size support.

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