12–14 Sept 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

Closing the BPF map permission loophole

14 Sept 2022, 11:00
"Meeting 9" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)

"Meeting 9"

Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road

eBPF & Networking Track eBPF & Networking


Lorenz Bauer


While working on github.com/cloudflare/tubular we discovered that it’s possible for a program with CAP_BPF to circumvent file permissions of BPF map fds, effectively making it impossible to enforce read-only access. In our case, a process exporting metrics from maps can’t be prevented from also being able to modify those maps.
I will outline how permissions, map flags like BPF_F_RDONLY and map freezing interact and explain how current semantics fall short. I’ll also propose a possible solution which changes how the verifier tracks the mutability of map values.

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Lorenz Bauer

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