12–14 Sept 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

Cilium's BPF kernel datapath revamped

13 Sept 2022, 10:30
"Pembroke" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)


Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road

eBPF & Networking Track eBPF & Networking


Daniel Borkmann (Isovalent)


Since the early days of eBPF, Cilium's core building block for its datapath is tc BPF. With more adopters of eBPF in the Kubernetes landscape, there is growing risk from a user perspective that Pods orchestrating tc BPF programs might step on each other, leading to hard to debug problems.

We dive into a recently experienced incident, followed by our proposal of a revamped tc ingress/egress BPF datapath for the kernel which incorporates lessons learned from production use, lower overhead as a framework, and supporting BPF links for tc BPF programs in a native, seamless manner (that is, not conflicting with tc's object model). In particular the latter solve the program ownership and allow for better debugability through a common interface for BPF. We also discuss our integration approach into libbpf and bpftool, dive into the uapi extensions and next steps.

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Primary authors

Daniel Borkmann (Isovalent) Nikolay Aleksandrov (Isovalent)

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