12–14 Sept 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

io_uring in Android

13 Sept 2022, 17:45
"Herbert" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)


Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road

Android MC Android MC


Akilesh Kailash


This presentation will talk about the usage of io_uring in Android OTA, present performance results. Android OTA uses dm-user which is a out of tree user space block device.

We plan to explore io_uring evaluating the RFC patchset : https://lore.kernel.org/io-uring/Yp1jRw6kiUf5jCrW@B-P7TQMD6M-0146.local/T/#m013adcbd97cc4c4d810f51961998ba569ecc2a62

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Akilesh Kailash

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