Sep 12 – 14, 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

Make RCU do less (and disturb CPUs less)!

Sep 13, 2022, 11:15 AM
"Ulster & Munster" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)

"Ulster & Munster"

Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road

CPU Isolation MC CPU Isolation MC


Joel FernandesMr Rushikesh Kadam Uladzislau Rezki


CPUs can be disturbed quite easily by RCU. This can hurt power especially on battery-powered systems, where RCU can be a major consumer of power. Different strategies can be tried to mitigate power which we will show along with power data. Also I have been working on some patches to further reduce RCU activity in frequently-called paths like file close. This presentation is to discuss some test results mostly on the power consumption side on battery-powered Android and ChromeOS systems and the new work mentioned to delay RCU processing

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Joel Fernandes Mr Rushikesh Kadam Uladzislau Rezki

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