Sep 12 – 14, 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

Supporting non-power of 2 zoned devices

Sep 14, 2022, 11:45 AM
"Meeting 1&2" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)

"Meeting 1&2"

Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road

Zoned Storage Devices (SMR HDDs & ZNS SSDs) MC Zoned Storage Devices (SMR HDDs & ZNS SSDs) MC


Pankaj Raghav


The zone storage implementation in Linux, introduced in v4.10, first targeted SMR drives with a power of 2 (po2) zone size alignment requirement. The newer NAND-based zoned storage devices do not naturally align to po2, so the po2 requirement introduces a gap in each zone between its actual capacity and size. This talk explores the various efforts[1] that have been going on to allow non-power of 2(npo2) zoned devices so that LBA gaps in each zone can be avoided. The main goal of this talk is to raise community awareness and get feedback from current/future adopters of zoned storage devices.


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Primary authors

Mr Javier Gonzalez (Samsung) Luis Chamberlain (Samsung) Pankaj Raghav

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