12–14 Sept 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

RISC-V ftrace: working with preemption

13 Sept 2022, 18:00
"Meeting 1&2" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)

"Meeting 1&2"

Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road



Tao Chiu


We found several issues linked inherently with ISA of RISC-V itself when using ftrace after turning on kernel preemption. In RISC-V, we must use 2 instructions to perform a jump to a target which is further than 4KB, and we cannot promise any 2 instructions being executed on the same process context if preemption is enabled. However, this is how we patch code in ftrace in current implementation. Thus, we proposed a change that could possibly solve it, making kernel preemption work with ftrace. The patch has been published on the mailing list. We would like to share and discuss our thoughts on LPC. And the talk will cover following content:

  • Current Implementation of RISC-V ftrace
  • How does stop_machine() work
  • Reviews of ftrace Implementations on other Architectures
  • Mixing with Kernel Preemption
  • Limitation of RISC-V ftrace due to RISC-V ISA
  • Possible Solutions to Enable ftrace with a Preemptible Kernel
  • Proposed Solution
  • Experiment and Results
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Tao Chiu

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