Sep 20 – 24, 2021
US/Pacific timezone


GPU/media/AI buffer management and interop MC

Sep 24, 2021, 7:00 AM


The GPU/media/AI buffer management and interop microconference focuses on Linux kernel support for new graphics hardware that is coming out in the near future. Most vendors are also moving to firmware control of job scheduling, additionally complicating the DRM subsystem's model of open user space for all drivers and API. This has been a lively topic with neural-network accelerators in particular, which were accepted into an alternate subsystem to avoid the open-user space requirement, something which was later regretted.

As all of these changes impact both media and neural-network accelerators, this Linux Plumbers Conference microconference allows us to open the discussion past the graphics community and into the wider kernel community. Much of the graphics-specific integration will be discussed at XDC the prior week, but particularly with cgroup integration of memory and job scheduling being a topic, plus the already-complicated integration into the memory-management subsystem, input from core kernel developers would be much appreciated.

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