Sep 20 – 24, 2021
US/Pacific timezone

Protection Key Supervisor (PKS)

Sep 23, 2021, 10:00 AM
Refereed Track/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)

Refereed Track/Virtual-Room

LPC Virtual

LPC Refereed Track (Closed) LPC Refereed Track


Rick Edgecombe (Co-worker)


Protection Key Supervisor provides fast, thread-specific manipulation of permission restrictions on kernel pages.

Multiple patch sets have been reviewed recently targeting an initial use case to provide stray write protection to persistent memory.

Persistent memory is mapped into the direct map and unlike regular DRAM it is particularly venerable to programming errors which would result in the corruption of data.

Additional use cases have been explored and will be included in the presentation. Specifically for the hardening of page tables and other sensitive kernel data.

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Primary authors

Ira Weiny Rick Edgecombe (Co-worker)

Presentation materials

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