Sep 20 – 24, 2021
US/Pacific timezone

Container tracing

Sep 22, 2021, 7:55 AM
Microconference1/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual

Tracing MC Tracing MC


Yordan Karadzhov (VMware)


Providing adequate observability in containerized workloads is getting more important. Sophisticated instruments are being developed to understand what is really going on, but most of the effort approaches the problem from top to bottom, operating at the abstraction layers of container orchestration.

What if we take the opposite approach and use Linux system tracing to unfold the container and look inside. How can we check what is being executed, what files are being open etc.

We currently have a POC based on kprobes that traces the system calls of a Docker container. It is written in Python and can be easily adapted to any changing environment, but it would be nice to have a standard API that would just work for all containers (not only Docker). Can we standardize the tracing of containers? How can we expand this to tracing containers on more than one machine?

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Yordan Karadzhov (VMware)

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