Sep 20 – 24, 2021
US/Pacific timezone

Linux Developers: Motivations & Challenges (preliminary insights)

Sep 24, 2021, 8:10 AM
Microconference4/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual



Bianca Trinkenreich (Northern Arizona University)


Participation of women in Open Source Software (OSS) is very unbalanced, despite various efforts to improve diversity. This is concerning not only because women do not get the chance of career and skill developments afforded by OSS, but also because OSS projects suffer from a lack of diversity of thoughts because of a lack of diversity in their projects. Researchers have been trying to understand the low representation rate of women in OSS, as well as to learn more about their motivations, challenges, biases and the strategies that can be adopted to attract and retain this underrepresented population. Linux Kernel is also investigating those factors to create strategies to increase women’s participation.

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