Linux Kernel Debugging MC CFP

We are pleased to announce the first ever Linux Kernel Debugging Microconference, and we are now accepting proposals and problem statements.

Kernel debugging can be done in many ways with many purpose-built tools, from printk to Crash, Drgn, KDB/KGDB, and more. These tools are built on layers of standards, formats, implicit standards, and undocumented assumptions that make everything tick. When things work well, the tools stay out of your way and help you resolve your bug. But when things don’t work so well, you’re left debugging your debugger.

The Linux Kernel Debugging Microconference aims to bring together the developers and users of these tools to discuss the shared problems we face. We hope to discuss ongoing work that will improve the state of kernel debuggers, as well as new ideas that will require coordinated development across projects. Some possible topics might include:

  • Alternative sources of debuginfo beyond DWARF (kallsyms, BTF, etc)
  • Problems related to core debugging tools & utilities (`/proc/vmcore`,  `/proc/kcore`, kexec, kdump, makedumpfile, libkdumpfile, and many more).
  • Strategies to handle the interpretation of core kernel subsystems across versions (e.g. slab & vfs).
  • Core dump formats and ways they can break & be repaired

Topics outside this narrow list are welcomed: we welcome any topic that would improve the debugging experience, or merits the attention of the developers of these tools & kernel subsystems. The best submissions will describe active work or open problems, and they will welcome debate, discussion, and community consensus.

Submissions can be made via the LPC Call for Proposals, by selecting Linux Kernel Debugging MC for your track.

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