9–11 Sept 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

All about Kselftest

10 Sept 2019, 12:50
Esmerelda/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Shuah Khan (The Linux Foundation) Anders Roxell Dan Rue


Kselftest started out as an effort to enable a developer-focused regression test framework in the kernel to ensure the quality of new kernel releases. Today it is an integral part of the Linux Kernel development process to qualify Linux mainline and stable release candidates.

Shuah will go over the Kselftest framework, how to write tests that work well with the framework for effective reporting of results. In addition, Shuah will discuss how the framework is tailored for developers as well as users to serve their individual and unique needs and discuss future plans.

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Primary authors

Shuah Khan (The Linux Foundation) Dan Rue


Presentation materials

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