Sep 9 – 11, 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone



To be notified of registration dates, the call for papers and other time critical details, please subscribe to our announcements or our RSS feed, or follow @linuxplumbers on Twitter.  We also have a Facebook page  and a Google+ page that we will be updating as planning progresses, so you can follow us there if you prefer.

Venue and Travel information

To be Announced.


If you are interested in helping make 2019 Linux Plumbers Conference a success please consider becoming a sponsor.  You can download the LPC sponsorship prospectus from: contact Angela Brown for information.


For press information please contact Angela Brown.


Linux Plumbers Conference is organized by a team of volunteers and we can always use another helping hand! If you are interested in helping the conference, please contact us.

All Inquiries

You can always send any and all questions to

Planning Committee

Your planning committee for this year is:

Kate Stewart – Chair

Laura Abbott
James Bottomley
Guy Lunardi
David Woodhouse
Steve Rostedt
Elena Zannoni
Paul E. McKenney
Jake Edge
Jon Corbet

Diamond Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Evening Event Sponsor

Lunch Sponsor

Catchbox Sponsor

T-Shirt Sponsor

Official Carrier

Location Sponsor