18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone


Birds of a Feather (BoF)

19 Sept 2024, 10:00

Presentation materials

19/09/2024, 10:00

At Microsoft, we are working on a project called openHCL, which is a Linux-based paravisor featuring a user-mode virtualization stack.
For more details, you can check out this micro conference:
LPC Event.

The paravisor is upgraded using a servicing operation where the old paravisor is shutdown and the new paravisor is booted into. Our goal...

19/09/2024, 15:45

This BoF will be an opportunity to discuss Linux kernel debugging tools, with a primary focus on Drgn. Discussion will be attendee-driven, some example discussion topics could be:

  • Ready-made examples of using drgn to debug a vmcore or live kernel built with virtme-ng.
  • Discussion on writing good drgn...
Alastair Robertson, Daniel Xu (Facebook), Jonathan Haslam, Jordan Rome, Viktor Malik (Red Hat)
20/09/2024, 17:00

bpftrace is a hugely popular dynamic tracing technology for the Linux platform (https://github.com/bpftrace/bpftrace) leveraging eBPF. Its simple yet powerful scripting language, BpfScript, provides the ability to gain a new and fresh understanding of the entire software stack, from high level application APIs to the bowels of the kernel. Analyzing...

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