18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

TAB Ask Me Anything

20 Sept 2024, 09:00
Kernel Summit Track Kernel Summit


The Linux Fundation Techical Advisory Board (TAB) exists to provide advice from the kernel community to the Linux Foundation and holds a seat on the LF's board of directors; it also serves to facilitate interactions both within the community and with outside entities. Over the last year, the TAB has overseen the organization of the
Linux Plumbers Conference, advised on the setup of the kernel CVE numbering authority, worked behind the scenes to help resolve a number of contentious community discussions, worked with the Linux Foundation on community conference planning, and more.

This is an opportunity for people to find out more about the TAB and make suggestions about how the TAB or the Linux Foundation can better support Linux Kernel Development

Primary authors

Dan Williams (Intel Open Source Technology Center) Theodre Ts'o (Google)

Presentation materials

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