18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Let's talk about GPL and LGPL enforcement!

19 Sept 2024, 12:45
"Room 1.14" (Austria Center)

"Room 1.14"

Austria Center

Birds of a Feather (BoF) Birds of a Feather (BoF)


A topic rife with misinformation and emotional reactions, it's time to give another opportunity for folks to ask questions about and discuss GPL and LGPL enforcement together. The last BoF at Plumbers, in 2016 had lively discussion and great input that informed Software Freedom Conservancy's efforts in the following years. At that BoF, and privately since then, Software Freedom Conservancy has received almost entirely encouraging and supportive feedback from developers. At the same time, we know some companies discourage any active efforts to mandate compliance. The only way to understand what people think and to address misinformation bouncing around the community is to actually discuss it in a place where anyone who is interested can participate. Let's share information and hear what everyone thinks! If the organizers allow, this BoF won't be recorded and we'll ask attendees not to relay who said what without permission.

Primary author

Denver Gingerich (Software Freedom Conservancy)

Presentation materials

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