18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone


20 Sept 2024, 15:45
"Hall N2" (Austria Center)

"Hall N2"

Austria Center

Safe Systems with Linux MC Safe Systems with Linux MC


Alessandro Carminati


The Linux Kernel does not come with comprehensive and complete architectural design documentation and yet such information is needed to support technical analyses in critical industries (e.g. functional safety) and can be useful for both maintainers and developers along the standard Linux Kernel development.
The Kernel is partitioned in drivers and subsystems, with associated maintainers controlling the respective code contributions.
How can we visualize dependencies between different subsystems? How to visualize the SW resources handled by each subsystem or shared between different subsystems?
ks-nav is a working in progress tool, in the miniconf I want to discuss and seek advice for a couple of features I want to add to ks-nav:

  • A Web interface I want to add to the tool to improve the user
    experience and providing the user the interaction with the diagrams
    while browsing the code.
  • Discuss an effective way to identify the targets of the indirect
    calls discovered during the analysis.

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