18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Walk the line - how RT-safe application design can be supported

19 Sept 2024, 15:22
"Hall N2" (Austria Center)

"Hall N2"

Austria Center

Real-time MC Real-time MC


Jan Kiszka (Siemens)


Did you ever run into a real-time application that implicitly did a malloc in its critical code path? Or used the wrong lock type? Or did you even wrote it yourself? Wouldn't it be nice to get an earlier warning about such mistakes? Dual kernels like Xenomai provide such a feature, not perfectly, but way better than "native" RT Preempt can currently provide. And if you as users of Xenomai why they do not use RT Preempt, this feature is one of the main reasons.

This session will explain why Xenomai can provide earlier feedback on real-time design violations and how it does that. It will then discuss if they are chance for RT Preempt to come up with something similar, where the maintenance challenges could be but also where there might be common ground with Xenomai.

Primary author

Jan Kiszka (Siemens)

Presentation materials

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