18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

QPW: How to improve latency and CPU Isolation without cost

19 Sept 2024, 16:06
"Hall N2" (Austria Center)

"Hall N2"

Austria Center

Real-time MC Real-time MC


Leonardo Bras Soares Passos (Red Hat)


Some kernel code implement a parallel programming strategy
that grabs local_locks() for most of the work, and then use schedule_work_on(cpu) when some rare remote operations are needed. This is quite efficient for throughput, since it keeps cacheline mostly local and avoid locks in non-RT kernels, paying the price when you need to touch a remote CPU.

On the other hand, that's quite bad for RT kernels, as touching other CPU's data will require that CPU to interrupt any RT task it's running in favor of executing the requested task, while the requestor CPU waits for it's completion.

To solve that, I propose a new QPW interface that harness the local_lock() -> spin_lock() implementation in PREEMPT_RT to avoid above mentioned interruption without requiring extra cycles in the hot-paths, and actually causing a major reduction in the time spent by the requesting task itself.

This presentation will show the idea behind the interface, and bring numbers on latency and throughput improvements for some of the potential users of this interface.

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