18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Syzbot BoF: Open Discussion

20 Sept 2024, 15:45
"Room 1.85 - 1.86" (Austria Center)

"Room 1.85 - 1.86"

Austria Center

Birds of a Feather (BoF) Birds of a Feather (BoF)


Aleksandr Nogikh (Google) Alexander Potapenko (Google) Dmitry Vyukov (Google) Marco Elver (Google) Taras Madan


Syzbot is a continuous kernel fuzzing system which automatically uncovers and reports hundreds of Linux kernel findings each quarter.

The session aims to foster open dialogue between the kernel engineers and those who operate syzbot. We'll discuss what's working well, where attention is needed, and how we can improve.

We plan to start by highlighting the key changes over the past year, known problems, and future syzbot/syzkaller development plans.

The majority of the session will be dedicated to discussing your experiences with Syzbot reports:

  • What could have made the debugging of syzbot reports easier for you?
  • For maintainers: how do you manage and prioritize syzbot reports? Could syzbot be of more help here?
  • Have you attempted to contribute syzkaller descriptions for the subsystem of your interest? What was your experience?
  • Any other syzkaller/syzbot-related questions and topics.

We had a very productive syzbot BoF discussion at LPC'23 and we're looking forward to seeing you again!

Primary authors


Presentation materials