Sep 18 – 20, 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

SIDE: A Unified User-Space Instrumentation Specification

Sep 20, 2024, 12:23 PM
"Room 1.31-1.32" (Austria Center)

"Room 1.31-1.32"

Austria Center

Tracing / Perf events MC Tracing / Perf events MC


Mathieu Desnoyers (EfficiOS Inc.)


The goal of the SIDE specification is to enable instrumentation of various runtimes and languages. The libside library is a reference implementation of the SIDE specification for C/C++ user-space.

The SIDE specification covers:

  • an event and field description ABI,
  • a type system,
  • a captured arguments layout ABI,
  • and how to sample internal application state.

It specifies how applications can be instrumented and how tracers can connect to that instrumentation.

The main discussion points proposed for this session are the integration of the SIDE specification with User Events and instrumentation of other runtimes.

Primary author

Mathieu Desnoyers (EfficiOS Inc.)

Presentation materials