18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Atomic code patching and ftrace

19 Sept 2024, 16:00
"Room 1.31-1.32" (Austria Center)

"Room 1.31-1.32"

Austria Center



The upcoming series of ftrace code patching reduces the reach of each patch-site to a +/- 2KB range. This might be the unavoidable option we must take, as we move on to wave stop_machine() away, support preemption, and maintain an acceptable code size. Thus, we are going to focus our discussions on what options are there for us to support direct calls and various ftrace optimizations. Besides, we would like to collect requirements for generic code patching, and discuss any possible ways for us to do atomic code patching generally.

Some discussion items:
- Should we require such a general extension name ziccif for us to enable dynamic code patching?
- Can we reduce patch_text to patch_callsite? Is there any room for us to get rid of stop_machine under this assumption?

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