18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

"Hey, psst, try this." The underground culture around custom CPU schedulers.

18 Sept 2024, 12:20
"Hall L1" (Austria Center)

"Hall L1"

Austria Center

Sched-Ext: The BPF extensible scheduler class MC Sched-Ext: The BPF extensible scheduler class MC


Alfred Chen Giovanni Gherdovich (SUSE) Hamad Al Marri Masahito Suzuki Peter Jung (CachyOS) Piotr Górski (CachyOS)


Unbeknownst to the upstream Linux community, there exists a variety of alternative Linux CPU schedulers, circulating downstream for years.

The CachyOS Linux distribution, an Arch Linux derivative founded in May 2021, has painstakingly collected these patches into a nicely organized repository, bringing them to the fruition of a larger audience. The project itself derived its name from one of these schedulers, Cachy by Hamad Salim Al Marri; the Cachy scheduler has later been renamed to CacULE. Some of the most popular schedulers currently in circulation are:

The goals for this session are to illustrate the algorithms employed by these schedulers, bring them to the attention of the wider upstream kernel community, and explore the opportunity to implement them using the sched-ext framework to allow for an even wider circulation of their underpinning ideas.

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