Sep 18 – 20, 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

A Status Update on the x86-cpuid-db Project

Sep 20, 2024, 5:20 PM
"Room 1.31-1.32" (Austria Center)

"Room 1.31-1.32"

Austria Center

x86 Microconference x86 MC


Ahmed S. Darwish (Linutronix GmbH)


At last year's Refereed Track, we introduced the "x86-cpuid-db" project and discussed its rationale for the Linux Kernel, the Xen hypervisor, and other plumbing layer open-source projects.

This year, the author will present a demo and initiate a discussion on the refactorings of the Linux Kernel's x86 subsystem and a new X86_FEATURE flags' dependency data model that are to be submitted mainline—all leveraging the x86-cpuid-db project's auto-generated files.

Primary author

Ahmed S. Darwish (Linutronix GmbH)

Presentation materials