18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

The role of C libraries in a modern build system

18 Sept 2024, 16:05
"Hall N2" (Austria Center)

"Hall N2"

Austria Center

Build System MC Build System MC


Alejandro Hernandez Samaniego


As the landscape of operating systems continues to diversify, there is a growing
interest in running multiple operating systems and applications, each with
different capabilities and functionalities, on a single device.

However, how may these applications or operating systems vary from one another?
The C library plays a crucial role in this. Having the flexibility to choose one
C library over another (or none at all) provides a significant design benefit
that is sometimes downplayed. This is the motivation behind recently integrating
picolibc as a possible C library for systems built using OpenEmbedded.

This topic would fuel discussions on the approaches used or considered by build
systems for providing different C libraries and the importance of providing
flexibility, while exploring the implementation used by the OpenEmbedded
ecosystem, which is now capable of cross-compiling applications using glibc,
musl, newlib, and picolibc.

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